In the process of letting everyone know about the upcoming Arkansas Alpha Pi Beta Phi Reunion, Initiation Classes ’64 -’69, on June 8-10, 2012, we’ve done a mass e-mail and a postcard mailing.
Here are some sisters that we can’t seem to find. If you know how to reach them, please send their mailing address or at least an e-mail or phone number to:
Melanie Barton
Ann Brackeen
Elizabeth Burns
Jenny Corbin
Robin Dickey
Margarite Doss
Judy Fitton
Carol (Jean Thompson) Holloday
Mary Jackson
Sarah Ann Lecompte
Mamie Nichols
Dolores O’Daniel
Luanne Redding
Barbara Rainwater
Leslie Westruck
See us on Facebook @ Ark Alpha Pi Beta Phi Classes '64 - '69
You can scratch my name off the above list. I am Jenny Short, pledged in '63 and initiated in '64. I live in Oostkapelle, The Netherlands with my husband, Enno Schouten. We spend the winters in Ft. Worth, TX and have an apartment there. I don't know how you found my email address but I'm glad to see you all. I wish I could come to the reunion. I see Elizabeth Richards Ray in Ft. Worth when I'm there. My email is My blog is I like your blog! xo Jenny